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Empowering Yourself During This Difficult Time


As I look back on my last writing, I realized the focus was all on my personal losses plus the agency struggles and changes. In a crisis, it is normal to first think of ourselves and how it affects us. As time passes our focus tends to look outward towards others and how we can help them. One of the greatest coping skills in a crisis is our desire to help others. The way we help and the amount of helping depends on our financial and emotional circumstance. While you may not be able to do any of the things that you hear on the news or social media, you can give back in our own way.

A simple way to give back is to stay home. While we may need groceries or other essentials, ask yourself if you really need to stand in a line for it. Can you do store drive up or go through a drive thru? The less contact that we have with others will result in less possibility of spreading the virus. If we can slow down the spread, then our hospitals will not be overwhelmed.

Everyday heroes are all over the place and you can be one as well. Just to name a few, the healthcare workers who have stepped up or returned to the field to help; the counselors who are using telehealth services so as to not risk infecting themselves or others, the mental health workers whose clients need to see them so they are going in to work; the grocery store clerks who are checking us out; the parents who are staying at home with their children; the bank staff who are handling money so that people can purchase food and other necessities; the governor and his staff working hard to obtain necessary supplies and containment of the virus; the volunteers packing food for those who need it; nonprofits trying to continue to provide much needed services; the donors who continue to support the nonprofits; the companies who have repurposed their factories to produce necessities; the first responders who are the front lines. The first responders are always risking their lives for us, this is an additional risk. An everyday hero is a person who goes just a little beyond to help their community be a better place to live. In my neighborhood, we are putting out our flags to honor these everyday heroes. Can you find even a small way to be an everyday hero? Just waving, calling or yelling “Hi” to a neighbor is a simple way to be an everyday hero.

Even everyday heroes need a break and fun in their lives so here are some ideas just for fun:

Take an imaginary trip to some place you never been. You can find a lot of information on line. Look for places that you want to visit and tourist spots. Some places even have video tours. Check out the history channel for travel shows.

Share a funny story with family or friends.

Put on some music and dance. If you are with family, then have a dance contest. If you chose, then you can share it on Facebook with friends.

Watch a funny movie or television show. Have others watch as well then have a discussion on the funniest aspects of it.

Watch a good mystery movie or television show. Or read a mystery book. You can develop an online book or movie club.

In my neighborhood, twice a week we place something on the window so the families can walk the neighborhood to see what they can find. We done shamrocks, trucks, rainbows, and butterflies. I just print pictures from the internet but some have made them.

We have heard a lot about how we are in this together but for some it will be harder than others. The stay at home order is extremely hard on local businesses and their employees. There are recorded layoffs and job losses. We do not know how long the crisis will last or it’s long term effect on anyone’s life. We need to do our best to support others. If you can support your local restaurant thru their drive through services. If you are laid off, then spend time redoing your resume and/or you interview skills. I find that video or recording myself then playing it back helps me to improve my skills. Ask a friend to look over your resume for their input. The internet is full of resume writing ideas. And job search services. If you have a friend or acquaintance who hires people, then ask them for interviewing tips. Be prepared for an online interview. Using your cellphone to take a video can help you. Have another family member interview you even if it is thru Skype. If you are changing jobs/career share what skills you used at your previous job that will translate to the new position. If you get an interview, even an online one, dress professional and check out their website prior to the interview.

If we can be of any help, reach out to us at 815-838-2690 or Carolyn@ You can call and leave a message at 8158382690. Right now, we do not have the ability to answer the telephone. Leave a message with your name, time of day that you can be reached so we can return your call. We are providing telehealth services on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am till 8pm and Wednesdays from 4pm until 8pm.

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